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Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016


Selamat siang guyss. Gw kali ini akan mempublikasikan apa itu Sistem Operasi Linux Mint. Mungkin bagi agan2 user Sistem Operasi Windows dan Mac asing dengan sistem operasi ini. Yuk langsung saja tanpa basa-basi dibaca apa itu Linux Mint ini.

Linux Mint adalah sebuah distro Linux Live CD yang diturunkan dari distro Ubuntu, dengan tujuan untuk memproduksi sebuah distro dengan desktop yang elegan, up to date, dan nyaman digunakan. Linux Mint didesain untuk berjalan out-of-the-box dengan semua fasilitas yang telah terinstall di dalamnya.

Dirilis pertama kali tanggal 27 Agustus 2006 oleh pencetus proyek Clement Lefebvre. Rilis pertama distro ini kurang mendapat perhatian, karena versinya masih tahap beta dan tidak pernah dirilis dalam versi yang lebih stabil sehingga distro ini kurang dikenal. Setelah kemunculan Linux Mint 2.0 “Barbara” beberapa bulan kemudian, Linux Mint mulai mendapat perhatian dari kalangan komunitas Linux.

Inti dari Linux Mint adalah Ubuntu yang merupakan turunan dari Debian, sehingga aplikasi yang dapat berjalan di Ubuntu, juga bisa berjalan pada Linux Mint. Walaupun inti dari Linux Mint adalah Ubuntu, akan tetapi selama bertahun-tahun Linux Mint hadir dengan tampilan yang berbeda dengan Ubuntu. Dimulai dari versi 2.0 “Barbara”, Linux Mint membangun Codebase sendiri, sehingga untuk setiap rilis terbaru selalu menggunakan versi sebelumnya dari Linux Mint sendiri.

Keuntungan Linux Mint :
  1. Bagi agan2 yang pernah menggunakan sistem operasi Ubuntu pasti tidak asing dengan sistem operasi ini. Mengapa? karena tools2nya kurang-lebih sama dengan Ubuntu.
  2. Untuk menginstall sistem operasi ini cukup terbilang mudah. Untuk agan2 yang ingin mencicipi sistem operasi, download saja Linux Mint di link ini Download OS LINUX MINT 
  3. Space partisi yang dibutuhkan untuk Linux Mint tidaklah besar.
  4. Untuk tampilan tidak begitu asing bagi agan2 pengguna sistem operasi lainnya seperti windows.
  5. Spek PC dan Laptop untuk menjalankan sistem operasi ini tidak harus bagus. Jadi sistem operasi ini masih bisa dijalankan bagi agan2 yang punya PC & Laptop keluaran lama.
Kelemahan Linux Mint :
  1. Hardware resource Linux Mint masih sedikit
  2. Linux Mint versi Cinnamon masih kurang stabil dibandingkan dengan versi MATE.
  3. Linux Mint versi Mate untuk driver bluetooth belum sesempurna versi Cinnamon

Kira-kira itu saja yang ane publikasikan mengenai Linux Mint. Seperti biasa, ane mohon untuk reader yang membaca artikel ini untuk tinggalkan pesan & saran di comment ini agar ane selaku penulis blog ini tetap terus menulis blog ini.

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Budaya Yogyakarta

Halo guys! Kali ini gw akan mempublikasikan video budaya dari daerah Yogyakarta. Kenapa budaya Yogyakarta yang saya ambil? Karena budaya-budaya yang ada di Yogyakarta ini sangat unik-unik. Klik video yang saya ambil dari youtube ini. Selain videonya, gw akan menjelaskan sedikit tentang Yogyakarta. Yogyakarta mempunyai beragam potensi budaya, baik budaya yang tangible (fisik) maupun yang intangible (non fisik). Potensi budaya yang tangible antara lain kawasan cagar budaya, dan benda cagar budaya sedangkan potensi budaya yang intangible seperti gagasan, sistem nilai atau norma, karya seni, sistem sosial atau perilaku sosial yang ada dalam masyarakat.

Yogya memiliki tidak kurang dari 515 Bangunan Cagar Budaya yang tersebar di 13 Kawasan Cagar Budaya. Keberadaan aset-aset budaya peninggalan peradaban tinggi masa lampau tersebut, dengan Kraton sebagai institusi warisan adiluhung yang masih terlestari keberadaannya, merupakan embrio, dan memberi spirit bagi tumbuhnya dinamika masyarakat dalam berkehidupan kebudayaan terutama dalam berseni budaya, dan beradat tradisi. Selain itu, Yogya juga mempunyai 30 museum, yang dua di antaranya yaitu Museum Ullen Sentalu, dan Museum Sonobudoyo diproyeksikan menjadi museum internasional. Pada 2010, persentase benda cagar budaya tidak bergerak dalam kategori baik sebesar 41,55%, seangkan kunjungan ke museum mencapai 6,42%.

Rumah adat Yogyakarta dinamakan Bangsal Kencono Kraton Yogyakarta merupakan sebuah bangunan Pendopo. Halamannya sangat luas, ditumbuhi tanaman dan dilengkapi beberapa sangkar burung. Di depan Bangsal Kencono terdapat dua patung dari Gupolo, sang raksasa yang memegang gada (sejenis alat pemukul).

Untuk pakaian adatnya, pria Yogyakarta memakai pakaian adat berupa tutup kepala (destar), baju jas dengan leher tertutup (jas tutup) dan keris yang terselip di pinggang bagian belakang. Ia juga mengenakan kain batik yang bercorak sama dengan sang wanita. Sedangkan wanitanya memakai kebaya dan kain batik. Perhiasannya berupa anting-anting, kalung, dan cincin.

Di Yogyakarta pun keris merupakan senjata tradisional yang paling terkenal. Keris-keris itu diberi pula gelar-gelar kehormatan seperti "Kanjeng Kyai Kpek" dan sebagainya. Selain keris terdapat pula tombak sebagai benda pusaka. Benda-benda itu sangat dihormati dan diberi gelar kehormatan. Antara lain "Kajeng Kyai Ageng Plered", Kanjeng Kyai Ageng Baru", "Kanjeng Kyai Gadapan" dan "Kanjeng Ageng Megatruh". "Kyai Plered" mempunyai sejarah tersendiri, karena Untung Suropati berhasil menewaskan opsir Belanda Kapten Tack dengan menggunakan "Kyai Plered" Oleh karena itu, tombak ini dianggap keramat. Ada pula tombak dan keris yang disebut Tosan Aji. Tosan artinya besi dan Aji artinya dihormati karena bertuah. Benda-benda ini biasanya dirawat baik-baik dan disimpan pada tempat-tempat khusus. Pada saat-saat tertentu benda-benda itu dibersihkan dan dimandikan.

Salah satu ciri khas kebudayaan Yogyakarta khususnya Jawa adalah seni wayang. Kesenian wayang merupakan kreasi budaya masyarakat Jawa Tengah yang dalam setiap ceritanya memiliki filosofi akan kehidupan masyarakat Jawa, seperti kisah-kisah kepahlawanan, raja-raja terdahulu atau mitologi masyarakat Jawa. Masyarakat Jawa sangat menggemari wayang dikarenakan setiap cerita yang terdapat dalam kesenian wayang ini dapat dijadikan pedoman masyarakat dalam menjaga kebudayaan Jawa sendiri. Ada sekitar 40 jenis wayang di Jawa diantaranya adalah Wayang Beber, Wayang Klintik, Wayang Kulit, Wayang Krucil, dan Wayang Golek. Disetiap pementasan wayang selalu dipimpin oleh seorang Dalang yang memahami alur cerita dalam pewayangan. Pertunjukan wayang ini selalu diiringi oleh musik gamelan.

Itulah beberapa informasi seputar budaya Yogyakarta yang saya publikasikan pada hari ini. Seperti biasa, gw mohon untuk reader yang membaca blog ini untuk tinggalkan pesan & saran di comment ini agar gw selaku penulis blog ini tetap terus menulis blog ini.


Rabu, 12 Oktober 2016

PC Gaming

Hello guys!! Kali ini ane akan membahas PC Gaming bagi agan2 yg mau membeli PC. Kalian yg ingin punya PC Gaming lebih bagus membeli PC rakitan. Kenapa? Karena, spek PC rakitan bisa dibuat sesuai keinginan penggunanya. Harga untuk PC Rakitan relatif lebih murah drpd PC Built Up. PC Rakitan yg ane sarankan utk agan2 yg low budget tp bisa gaming yaitu pilih Processor Intel G (Pentium) Gen 6 "skylake", RAM merk G-SKILL/ Team Elite DDR4 4x2Gb, motherboard MSI, dan VGA NVidia 750ti ato AMD RX460. Untuk harga ane perkirakan 4-5jt. Spek itu masih cukup untuk game2 keluaran terbaru. Klo agan2 merasa speknya kurang, ane pny Saran lagi yaitu processor i5/i7 Gen 6 ato AMD 900series , Motherboard merk MSI, ASUS ato Gigabyte, RAM merk Corsair DDR4 8x2Gb, dan VGA NVidia GTX 1070 ato AMD RX480. Harga spek itu kira2 9-10jtaan. Itulah kiranya topik seputar PC Rakitan gaming. Bagi agan2 yg ingin berpendapat seputar PC silahkan comment ya. Kiranya agan2 yg baca ini boleh comment kritikannya agar ane sebagai penulis blog ini bisa menulis blog ini lebih baik kedepannya, terima kasih.

Minggu, 09 Oktober 2016

Teenagers Favourite Music Genre

            Have you ever heard about music? Who doesn’t know music?  Most teenagers usually like music. Music has a lot of genres such as hip-hop, indie, jazz, etc. without music, teenagers might be in bad mood to do something. Pop music is one of the popular music genres in the world. Pop music is enjoyable yet useful because it is commonly easy to listen. Who doesn’t know MJ or Michael Jackson? He is the king of pop. Everyone likes his songs such as Love Never Felt So Good. This song is one of the most popular songs from Him. JT or Justin Timberlake really likes his song. Finally this song was made featuring Justin Timberlake in dedication to Michael Jackson. Although Michael Jackson already died, his fans mostly teenagers still like his songs. Teenagers don’t only like pop songs but also they like to listen to Trance, k-pop and Rock Music.
       Trance Music is very famous in the world. First, this music genre is a trending topic. This genre is unique because this genre can only be played by special devices. Some teenagers like this because the tempo and the melody of this music are easy to listen to and boost the mood. We can listen to this kind of genre everywhere. Second, teenagers make their own music easily. In 21st century, technology is so sophisticated and it also include the world of music. Some teenagers easily make their own music on iOS and android devices. The application is available so that they can make electro dance music easily. They can make their own Trance Music by using these applications on their smartphones. To make this music, they need their own creative ability and patience. Third, teenagers remix original songs. Teenagers might be bored listening to their favourite artist’s song repeatedly. They try to remix their favourite artist’s songs just for fun. On a smartphone, it’s already has an application that can remix song called “Edjing PRO – Music DJ mixer”. This application is easy to use. Nowadays, teenagers are so into Trance Music.
     The second genre of music that teenagers especially girls like to listen to is K-POP. First, the boyband members are so handsome. The boyband aren’t only handsome but also fashionable. In their video clip, they look very handsome, charismatic and stylish. Designer also take care of their appearance. For example, one of Super Juniour’s member named Kyuhyun is fashionable. He isn’t only can sing and dance but also can be a model. Second, most of K-POP songs are cheerful. Teenagers who often listen to K-POP are certainly familiar with korean language. For example , saranghae , oppa , kamshahamnida and anyeonghaseyo . Teenagers know korean language by listening to cheerful K-POP songs. Teenagers not only can speak korean but also can move their body by dancing because the tempo and the melody of K-POP songs are cheerful. The example of K-POP song that can make teenagers dance and move are B2ST – Special, Super Juniour – Happiness and Super Juniour – Here We Go.

Rock music is a music genre that is easy to listen for teenagers mostly for boys. First, teenagers show their expression or emotions by listening to rock music. Studies have shown that certain types of rock music can intensify emotions. Rock music can help teenagers cope with problems and identify their peers. Many rock musicians sing about real issues that teens are going through. Teens find hope and encouragement when they listen to rock music that talking about problems they are going through. Listening to rock music helps teenagers gain access to peer groups whose members prefer the same kind of music. Second, some rock music are used as the soundtrack of the movie. ONE OK ROCK is a Japanese rock band that makes official soundtrack from movie called "Rurouni Kenshin". In 2012, ONE OK ROCK created a song titled “The Beginning”, especially for films that put Takeru Satoh as Kenshin Himura figure that was considered a success gave life to the first volume. Second Volume named “Kyoto Inferno”, ONE OK ROCK made the energetic rhythmic song titled “Mighty Long Fall”. The last volume from Rurouni Kenshin named “The Legend Ends”, ONE OK ROCK create a song titled “Heartache”, because the teenagers like to watch those movies and also like the soundtrack.

Trance, K-POP and Rock music are the three music genres that teenagers like. Without music, life would be a mistake. Another good thing about music is when it hits you, you feel no pain. Music can make someone feels comfortable. Teenagers explain their emotion by listening to music. The advantages listening to music are, you can improve your vocabulary, listening and speaking skills and also can improve your knowledge about world of music. How about you? What is your favorite music genre?

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016


Have you ever heard about an online game? An online game is a video game that is either partially or primarily played through the internet network. Online games can be played on console or PC. There are so many online games that people can play especially for teenagers. Gamers will interact with other gamers in online games. In the same server room, gamers meet other gamers in the world. However, online games have good or bad effects. Many people especially parents think that playing online game have bad effects. Other people think that playing online game have good effects. In my opinion, online games are very advantageous for gamers because gamers can improve their cognitive skills, english skills and social skills.

            First, Online games have been linked to improve gamers’ cognitive skills. Online games can improve their hand-eye coordination, which is very useful for their daily activities. There are numerous activities that can improve gamers’ hand-eye coordination, but most of them aren’t as appealing and rewarding to gamers as playing online games. For example, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Counter-Strike needs hand-eye coordination to improve their tactical, patience and reflex skills. Online games can also improve their time on making critical decisions. Certain games such as Fallout 4 can improve their decision making. Gamers can decide to ally with The Minutemen, The Brotherhood of Steel, The Institute or The Railroad. Gamers can also make decision to choose their companion or friend to help the character (us) through the harsh Commonwealth which is a city that was destroyed by The Great War between The Communists and The Liberalists 200 years ago. By having their ally or friend by our side, enemies such as raiders, gunners, synth (Synthetic humans), and mutants which roam the once known as “The Commonwealth of Massachusets” can be defeated easily. So, most of online games give gamers a chance to increase their cognitive skills.

            Second, Online games have been linked to improve gamers’ English skills. Online games can improve their vocabulary, which is helpful to improve words that they haven’t even known before. Keep Talking and Nobody Is Going To Explode is an online game that has a lot of conversation which is the key of the gameplay itself. Gamers can find the synonym of words that they don’t know in that online game. While they’re playing, their listening skills also improve as well. For example, the narrator of the game involves a victim who will hold an active bomb and a bomb squad officer who can defuse the bomb. This moment requires a conversation between them because the bomb squad cannot see the bomb so the officer must guide the unexperienced victim to disarm the bomb. As gamers, they must know  what they are talking about in the game. By playing games, we can learn how to deepen our skills in English such as pronoun the words correctly, and use separable and inseparable phrasal verbs that very useful for daily life. Gamers can do this by trying to imitate a dialogue from the game he/she had just played. Gamers meet each other in online games that require the gamer to speak English because is an international language that is used by people in the world. So, online games can increase their skills in comprehending / understanding the english language.

            Last, online games have been linked to help gamers to socialize. By playing online games, gamers can make new friends with other gamers in the world. Gamers who have enough English skills can communicate with other gamers easily. Gamers who used to be shy and lack of confidence when socializing with others, gamers may give suggestion to others easily while playing online games. Gamers can work as a team with their friends during the game. Online games require gamers to communicate effectively with their team. A gamer who follows directions from another gamer can achieve victory in the end. Much like basketball, baseball or any other team sport, solid team work is crucial in online games. So, by playing online games gamers’ social skills improved.
            Cognitive skills, English skills and Social skills are the three advantages of playing  online Games. That’s all about good effect about Online Games. Don’t think negative about online games, but think about good things about online games. Why don’t we try to find out another good things about Online Games?